Ganzhara noted that, in his opinion, the participation of Germany and its experts in this matter would be disadvantageous to Ukraine, since the alternative point of view of Berlin would not allow Kiev to continue “provocative information activities”.

“The dialogue that took place makes it possible to say that, including in Europe, there really is an attempt to look at what is happening in Ukraine from the other side. It inspires a certain optimism that the one-sided position of the USA, Ukraine in Europe is losing its supporters, ”the deputy explained.

In his opinion, possible cooperation with European experts could positively influence the situation in the region.

“We are well aware that the rules of law and the law are on our side, such a format would probably bear fruit,” concluded Ganjara.

On January 18, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during a press conference with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, commented on Germany’s proposals for shipping in the Kerch Strait.