The Islamic State Organization on Friday launched three "suicide" attacks in conjunction with the exit of more fighters and their families trapped in the village of Al-Bagouz east of the Euphrates River, while the progress of the "Syrian Democratic Forces" supported by the International Alliance in the pocket besieged by mines and the presence of hostages in the organization.

Spokesman for the "Syrian Democratic Forces" Mustafa Bali said the attacks occurred at the same time, targeting fighters from the state organization and civilians as they leave the besieged area of ​​less than one square kilometer.

According to a commander, the attackers were wearing women's clothes, the first time the organization of the departing state was targeting his last stronghold east of the Euphrates River in the village of Deir al-Zour (east of Syria).

The bombings killed six people out of the siege, while four members of the "Syrian Democratic Forces", which is dominated by units of protection of the Kurdish people.

Kurdish leaders have repeatedly stressed that their forces are on the verge of ending state regulation in the besieged area, but the recent resistance by the besieged has delayed the advance of the attacking forces in the territory around the village of Baguoz, which is believed to contain tunnels and fortifications.

A picture of the island showing a number of people trapped in the outskirts of the village of Al-Bagouz

"Another factor that is slowing down the progress of his forces is the presence of about 300" prisoners "in the organization of the state between civilians and members of the" Syrian Democratic Forces ", and the heavily planted mines in the area, the Associated Press quoted a Kurdish field commander, Jiacher, as saying. Pedestrian progress is disrupted.

In recent weeks, the state organization has released dozens of prisoners from Kurdish militants in return for bringing in food and medicine to the besieged.

On Wednesday, the organization launched two counter-attacks, using a sandstorm and pulling up rising smoke from a burning camp. On Friday, the front was calm with continuous flights to the coalition's international airliner.

The "Syrian Democratic Forces" talked about the emergence of new batches of state fighters and their families besieged, noting that there are hundreds of militants determined to fight to the death.

The island has received photographs showing dozens of fighters of the state organization with their families and civilians from the besieged enclave in the village of Baguoz.

According to some estimates, more than sixty thousand have left since the beginning of December last from the besieged area east of the Euphrates and surrendered themselves to the Kurdish units.