US President Donald Trump has accused the FBI, the Justice Department and the CIA of spying on him under his predecessor, Barack Obama, and hopes that special investigator Robert Mueller will be involved.

In a tweet on Twitter, Trump said there was evidence of spying on him by FBI, Justice and CIA officials under Obama since 2015, citing the testimony of former FBI agent Peter Struzck, who described it as devastating.

In a second tweet, Trump said it was known to everyone that there had been no crime in the appointment of special investigator Mueller, and hoped that Muller's report would be subject to this.

The president concluded his series of morning comments by saying that such a thing could never happen to any president again.

A week ago, Paul Manavort, former director of the Trump electoral campaign, was sentenced to 47 months in prison by a US court for the first time Müller was brought to justice.

At the end of January, acting Justice Minister Matthew Whitaker confirmed that Muller was close to completing his investigation. "I look forward to Muller presenting his final report ... as soon as possible," he said.

Muller, the former director of the FBI, and his team have been trying for a year and a half to see if there is collusion or cooperation between the Trump campaign team and the 2016 presidential election.