The Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain revealed details of the deportation of the Spanish authorities, an Islamic advocate opposed to the Egyptian regime in a deceptive way.

The organization said it was able to obtain information from identical sources in the Madrid prison and the airports of Madrid and Cairo confirmed the involvement of the Spanish authorities in the extradition of Egyptian citizen Alaa Mohammed Said, 45, where the Spanish Interior and the lawyer appointed by the government deception and misled the European Court and collusion with the security services Egyptian government to complete the delivery process successfully.

The Spanish authorities handed over the preacher Alaa Said, the imam of the Firdous Mosque in Lugrono and president of the Islamic Union of Imams and Guides in Spain, to Egypt on 3 June after being held for a month and a half in the deportation prison in Madrid following a decision to deport him on 7 March. , After being accused by the Spanish authorities of belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and embrace Wahhabi thought.

The preacher Alaa Said was imprisoned in Tora after the Egyptian authorities forcibly concealed him 23 days (Al Jazeera)

According to the information obtained by the organization, the Director of the Detention Center summoned Alaa Said on 2 June and informed him that the Spanish authorities had agreed to travel outside Spain to any other country as he wished, denying his deportation to Egypt and that he would be deported to another detention facility .

The next day, three security personnel were escorted into a car in the direction of the airport where he was held in one of his rooms. At 10 am, a doctor and nurse came to him without giving any indication of the reason for their presence.

At 4:00 PM, Sa'id was forced to ride a car and took him to a private plane with the doctor and nurse, blindfolded and blindfolded. The pilot then told him that he was being handed over to Egypt. Minutes later they put him in the back and put his head down. And then injected him with a drug substance, and did not agree until shortly before reaching Egypt.

The Arab Organization for Human Rights that when Said arrived at Cairo airport was arrested by the Egyptian security inside the plane after receiving his passport, papers and luggage of Spanish security personnel who were accompanied by him, where he was under investigation at the airport.

Said was taken to an unknown location and the next day he was brought before the Supreme State Security Prosecution on charges of belonging to a banned group. He remained under enforced disappearance for 23 days, bound and blindfolded until he was brought before the prosecution again on June 25, Days before the investigation of case No. 640 of 2018 state security, before being deported to Tora prison.

The human rights organization confirmed that Egypt's national security apparatus had pressured Said to ask his wife and daughters to come to Egypt. The Spanish authorities also put pressure on his wife and daughters by indirect means to force them to leave Spain.

Sheikh Ala Said President of the Islamic Union of Imams and Guides in Spain (social networking sites)

Serious charges
The Arab Organization for Human Rights stressed that the Islamic preacher opposed to the Egyptian regime faces charges that could result in life imprisonment or execution, as happens with thousands of opponents in Egypt.

The organization pointed out that the file handed over by the Spanish authorities to Egypt included fabricated investigations, including that Alaa Said visited Egypt during the rule of the deposed President Mohamed Morsi contrary to the truth.

The organization accused the Spanish authorities of committing serious violations against Said, "starting with manipulating the papers of his case with his lawyer, who appears to be conspicuously colluding with the preliminary reading of the case file, through torture and forced extradition to Egypt and his refusal to travel to another country, Egyptian by belonging to the current most likely to abuse inside Egypt, and ending with his extradition to Egypt to meet the fate of tens of thousands of detainees opposed to the regime.

The Arab Organization for Human Rights in the United Kingdom claimed the Spanish authorities the legal and moral responsibility for the serious violations and affliction suffered by Alaa, asserting that the charges he faces are not a crime in the first place. He has not committed any material act that is criminalized. Accused of carrying ideas, a charge if true can not be a crime, international laws, European and local respect for the freedom of thought and belief. "

The organization called on the Spanish authorities to stop trying to force the wife of Alaa and his daughters to leave Spain.

The International Organization for the Protection of Human Rights (SPH) has already expressed concern about the Spanish government to deport the Egyptian citizen.

The organization, in a statement, denounced the Spanish authorities' decision to deport him, although he has been living in Spanish territory since 2004 and has legal residence. The organization noted that although Said agreed to leave the Spanish territory voluntarily to protect his family, and told the Spanish authorities to travel to Turkey, and actually issued a visa, the Spanish authorities canceled his travel on 17 April and decided to deport him to Egypt.

The organization considered that "what happened is a dangerous precedent in the extradition of persons and a gross violation of human rights, involving the European Court and the Spanish government, in cooperation with an Egyptian regime that has been seen by all in all international reports and UN resolutions as a repressive regime, Is a serious threat to the victim's life. "