Recent leaks to major companies such as Facebook have proved that whatever your password is long and strong, in short it is still unsafe. Anything entering the Internet is unsafe.

This is because password security comes not only at the discretion of the user who created it, but also from the server on which it is stored.

There is nothing we can do to change the fact that databases are vulnerable, and that our data is not sacred, so we constantly monitor our passwords on the Internet.

This can be done by sites that update their data whenever a breakthrough occurs to help you monitor whether your passwords have been leaked online.

1. Haviveenpwned
The word "pwn" is a term often used by people in internet culture - usually by players - to describe someone's defeat in some way.

To use the site, simply type your email address and press the "pwned" button, and you will be notified if your passwords are secure, or you will see the number of hacked sites and passwords found for you.

The site also contains a section called "Pwned passwords", where you can search using your password instead of email. This will let you know if this password already exists in word lists over the Internet.

2. Credit Karma
Credit Card Karma has a good reputation for monitoring your security passwords. Kredit Karma bypasses all other password control sites, so that you will receive a censored copy of the password that has been leaked to each listed site.

All you need to do is sign in, go to the site's own identity monitoring page, and click View details below the data violation monitoring table. This site is one of the best ways to keep track of your online passwords.

3 - DeHashed (DeHashed)
De Hached is a powerful final option that can help you find leaked passwords that you have not been able to find in the previous two sites, and although it is not very different from its predecessors, it may provide some information about your passwords.

Once you check these three sites periodically, you'll be able to see your passwords as soon as they appear, and you'll be surprised at what you find.