Al-Houthi militia bombed the warehouses of relief organizations in the Kilo 7 area of ​​Hodeidah with artillery shells, destroying and burning their contents of foodstuffs and commodities destined for the Yemeni people, indifferent to the difficult humanitarian conditions experienced by the Yemeni families.

Witnesses from Hodeidah said that the Houthi militias deliberately shelled relief stores in the Kilo 7 area east of the city of Hodeidah in order to cover up the looting of their humanitarian aid to the Yemeni people, who suffer the horrors of the futile war of militias in Yemen.

Dr. Abdul Raqib Fateh, Yemeni Minister of Local Administration and Chairman of the Higher Committee for Relief in Yemen, blamed the Houthi militias for the deterioration of the current humanitarian situation in Yemen as a result of the confiscation and trade of humanitarian and food aid and the deprivation of Yemeni citizens.

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) recently accused the Houthi militia of manipulating the distribution of humanitarian aid in Yemen. WFP Executive Director David Paisley described the Houthi practices as "stealing food from the mouths of the hungry" and called for an immediate end to this criminal behavior.