A member of the delegation of the Houthis in Sweden's consultations, Abdul Malik al-Hajri, said progress had been made regarding the prisoners' files and Sana'a airport. Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani said Aden would be the main airport in the country and stressed that the port of Hodeidah should be under government sovereignty.

Al-Hajri added that the Huthi delegation offered to stop the fighting on all Taiz fronts, but the other side refused.

For his part, the head of the delegation of the Houthi group in the consultations, Mohamed Abdel Salam, called for the formation of a transitional government comprising all political parties in Yemen. He added that the political solution must be through a period of transition according to a time frame, and that the executive authorities by mutual consent.

Abdel Salam told Al-Jazeera that their demand for a transitional government in which all parties would take two or three years was due to what he described as the unconstitutional situation embodied by the war in Yemen.

Abdul Salam said that the city of Hodeidah coastal area should be declared a "neutral zone", stressing "the cessation of military operations and the return of military brigades that were provided from outside the province of Hodeidah."

Abdel Salam said his group accepted the idea that the United Nations should have a role at Sanaa airport to secure an agreement to reopen it.

The chief negotiator of the Houthis said that the committees are still considering the number of prisoners covered by the agreement. "The problem is a problem because the two sides do not want to disclose specific numbers, and both are worried that the other will hide something," he said.

Airport and port
Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani told Agence France-Presse that Aden would be the main airport in the country and stressed that the port of Hodeidah should be under government sovereignty.

The adviser to the President of Yemen and a member of the government delegation in the consultations of Sweden that the delegation called for the release of relatives of the late President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the delivery of his body, in the framework of the implementation of the prisoner exchange agreement and detainees.

Jabari told Al-Jazeera that the delegation introduced the issue of lifting the siege on the city of Taiz within the government's demands in the framework of confidence-building measures.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the meetings of the third day of the Yemeni consultations include a meeting between UN envoy Martin Griffith and the heads of the government and Houthi delegations.

The meeting comes after the end of separate meetings between the assistants of the UN envoy with three working groups of government delegations and Houthis.