In 2015, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan donated $ 75 million to the San Francisco General Hospital to build a facility. The name was later changed to the public hospital of Zuckerberg, San Francisco, One of the city's largest hospitals, but the high costs of treatment within it have angered many patients who have been haunted by debt because of the high value of bills.

According to the Newsweek magazine, patients who find themselves in hospital are surprised after the ambulance and treatment, that private insurance does not cover the cost of expensive bills, pointing out that the hospital unlike most other hospitals, do not negotiate with health providers, and Patients pay 12 times the price of medical care if they want treatment at Zuckerberg.

The Vox news website conducted a press investigation into some patients' cases and discovered that they were suffering from enormous debt after routine treatments.

One of the patients was Nina Dang, 24, who was hit by a car while driving her bicycle. An ambulance driver called her to the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. She was treated for a fracture of the arm. Doctors also performed some CT scans of the brain And the backbone, and was surprised at the end that the bill of treatment exceeded $ 24 thousand dollars, and was approved for insurance only cover $ 3 thousand and 830 dollars only.

The Vox website reviewed 5 bills for patients from the hospital's emergency room, in consultation with medical billing experts, and found that hospital bills could cost insured patients to the private sector tens of thousands of dollars for care that would cost them much less in other hospitals.

The 28-year-old girl, Alicia Rodríguez, was suffering from severe head pain. She barely managed to move, grabbed the phone, dialed the emergency number, and the ambulance took her to the Zuckerberg hospital. The presence of a tumor in the brain or not, as well as given some painkillers, was surprised that the bill of treatment amounted to 12 thousand and 768 dollars, and the insurance company paid only $ 2767 dollars.