Senator John McCain died on August 25 after suffering from brain cancer. Sen. Edward Kennedy died the same day and the same disease nine years ago. It is just a coincidence, but our vast world is full of exciting coincidences.

In American history, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, co-signatories of the US Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, and later presidents of America, died on one date on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence on July 4.

Adams is the second president of the United States, while Jefferson became the third president. America's fifth president, James Monroe, also died on July 4, 1831.

Among the most important figures of the 19th century, Abraham Lincoln (the 16th US president) and Charles Darwin (founder of the theory of evolution) were born on the same day on 12 February 1809.

Lincoln was born in a one-room wooden inn in Kentucky, and Darwin was born to a middle-class family in England.

In the 1940s, the president of General Motors (GM) and General Electric (GE) CEO Charles Wilson were named and not connected.

The two companies were known as the Charlie and Electric Charlie engine to keep them running.

A total of 122 men died in the Hoover dam in 13 years,

From historical events in America, the town of Kudel, founded in 1888, was not hit by a cyclone until 20 May 1916. It was hit again on May 20, 1917, and on 20 May 1918 it was hit by a more severe cyclone, History has not been hit by any hurricane.

It is a historical coincidence that a total of 112 men died during the construction of the US Hoover Dam (miraculously described). The first person killed by construction workers was JC Turney, who sank on 20 December 1922 while surveying the site of the dam in the waters of a river Colorado.

The last man to die in the dam was on December 20, 1935, exactly 13 years later. His name was Patrick Turney, the son of JC Turney, who fell off the tow tower just before the completion of construction.

One of the events was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, at the dawn of the First World War. He and his wife were traveling in a vehicle with license plate "A 111118". The war ended four years later when the truce came into effect 11/11/1918.