Spaniard Sergio Busquets is one of the few players to have gone through 20 titles during their career with football. The midfielder has won all the important titles with Barcelona and Spain.

The 30-year-old Busquets, he said, is equal to the Spanish and Barcelona titles, winning 30 trophies at the local and international levels.

Busquets shine with Barcelona (Reuters)

Busquets helped the Catalan team win seven league championships, three championships, six Spanish Cups, six Super Cup titles, three European Super Cups and three World Cup tournaments.

At the level of the teams, the midfielder has been able to help the country to qualify for the World Cup for the first time and the last in the history of South Africa in 2010, in addition to winning the European Nations Cup.

Busquets joined the Barcelona team in 507 matches, scoring only 13 goals, 34 assists and only two games, one against Real Madrid and the other against Benfica.