In the presence of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, has set seven key principles for future cities, The way of life, the way resources are exploited, the concept of city competitiveness, urban economies, and governance.

Crown Prince of Dubai:

- "A radical shift in: urban design, mobility, livelihood, resource utilization, urban competitiveness, urban economies, and governance."

- "Pathways to move in the air and underground, and the transfer of 5% of transport to self-driving reduces congestion 40%."

"Artificial intelligence is the power of new cities in the 21st century, and will make them more communicative, safe and intelligent."

- «Houses of future cities mini plants to produce electricity, and every consumer of energy will be productive».

In a keynote address titled "7 Key Principles for Future Cities" at the World Summit of Governments, His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai addressed the participants using the technology of holograms, that cities are the basis of global economic development and a crossroads of cultures, ideas and capital in the world.

"Throughout history, cities have been the main engine of human evolution, the spread of knowledge and the attraction of the most talented talents and minds, whether in Rome, Granada or Baghdad in the era of the House of Wisdom. Countries are a group of cities and the success of countries is successfully measured by cities that compete globally in their economies and attract them. Talent and quality of life. "

"The future of countries, the future of human beings and the future of life is directly linked to the future of cities. Talk about the future of cities is always linked to Dubai, because many of the world's cities view Dubai as a city of the future."

"We have a permanent goal in Dubai set for us by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, is that Dubai is at least 10 years ahead of the cities of the world. His Highness has launched this goal here from the platform of the World Summit of Governments. We need to study the cities of the future, and think about how it will be, and try to draw a clear map of this trip ».

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said: "The future is not a destination but a journey to improve the present we live in. It gives us the passion to do more and to achieve greater achievements.

He said: "There are seven main principles and transformations that will be witnessed by cities around the world in the coming years and ways to prepare for them and take advantage of the opportunities offered by them. The first shift is a radical transformation in the design of cities. Most of the cities we live in today are cities that were designed in the early 20th century with the invention of cars, The design of cities depends on three axes: the number of cars absorbed by the streets of the city, the number of people living in the region or what is known as population density, and the third axis is the areas allocated for manufacturing and sectors with the traditional economic return of the city and the state ».

He pointed out that the challenge in the design of cities in this way is that the basis of design was the return on investment of traditional economic return, in contrast, today we see studies that advise the redesign of cities to keep pace with the times we live.

"The second shift is the way we travel in cities. Transport is one of the most important pillars of quality of life in cities. The ease of access from one point to another has an impact on people's happiness. The Moovit public transport index indicates that the average time it takes The person to move within a city from his place of residence to his work is 60 minutes a day, and may reach more than two hours in some cities ».

"The congestion and the difficulty of mobility cause a decrease in the happiness rate of the people. In order to solve the problem of overcrowding and the delay of the members of the community in the means of urban mobility, the cities of the future will focus on creating new paths in the atmosphere and underground, and we see this in projects such as the Hyperlop and the Flying Taxi of the RTA In Dubai and Boring Company and others. If we convert 5% of urban transport from conventional to self-driving, this will reduce congestion by 40%. "

"The third shift is a shift in how we live in cities as a result of the increasing role of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enhanced reality in the lives of individuals," he said. "If electricity was the nerve of cities in the 20th century and enabled the emergence of machines and the automation of human effort in the second industrial revolution, New »21st century cities are artificial intelligence.

HRH said that the artificial intelligence and data revolution that will result from Internet applications and self-driving systems will make cities more communicative, secure, intelligent and productive. The number of Internet devices is expected to increase 22 times the current number to 500 billion by 2050, More than 50 intelligent devices for everyone on Earth.

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that the fourth shift will be in the way we use resources in cities. If technology changes our lifestyle in cities, it will change the way we consume resources to become more efficient and environmentally friendly. Cities of the future to mini-plants for the production of electricity and everyone will become a consumer and producer of energy at the same time, and will be able to provide the electrical network surplus production.

His Highness said that the fifth transformation is to change the concept of competitiveness of cities and how they will compete at the global level, pointing out that the future cities of the world will be platforms open to communicate minds and develop ideas and innovation.

"Most of the innovations that shaped the history of mankind were centered on important cities or blocs. Our region was the flag of all the civilizations of the world in the time of the House of Wisdom because of the minds it was gathering. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the economies became knowledge economies. Talents and competencies have a greater role in the flow of capital, which will in turn create new economic fields and jobs. " HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said that the sixth transformation is a transformation of the urban economies. He pointed out that attracting talent and talent creates tremendous advances in technology and opportunities for the prosperity of economic sectors and new jobs that are the basis of wealth of future cities.

"With the continued existence of traditional economic fields, the importance of global cities in the future will be highlighted in three distinct economic sectors: the data economy, the participatory economy and the circular economy," he said.

"The seventh and final transformation is a shift in governance, a shift in legislation and government action. A future life model can not be enabled in cities without governance and flexible leadership," he said. "The role of city leadership is changing from providing solutions and services to people to Solutions in partnership with the private sector and the community ».

Honoring the winner of the «International Award for Data Display Technology»

In the presence of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, honored the winner of the International Data Display Award, Global governments. His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai stressed that the UAE has become a model for stimulating innovation aimed at improving the work of governments around the world and enabling them to make the best decisions and formulate future policies that improve the quality of life of communities. He added that the international award for data display reflects the UAE's drive to promote this emerging sector and will provide governments with a new tool to develop their programs and policies and enable them to make the best decisions.

His Highness Prince Nikita Roktian, a data presentation expert and founder of Interacta, a data specialist, was honored to be able to employ artificial intelligence techniques to develop an innovative mechanism that will provide vital information for most of the world.