Mohamed Mohsen Wedd-Umm al-Fahm

Sheikh Khairi Iskandar has been volunteering for decades for Hajj and Umrah inside the Palestinian territories. This year, all the recordings and procedures for a 50-member bus of 48-year-old Palestinians have already been completed in the middle of December.

But Alexander received a communiqué from the Supreme Coordinating Committee for Hajj and Umrah to cancel the winter dams and postpone them for the spring season due to lack of readiness, lack of time and technical failure by the Saudi authorities.

Alexander does not seem convinced of this justification, and questioned Al Jazeera Net this action, saying that there is no justification or technical failure to prevent the launch of Umrah flights by the date scheduled for 16 December, especially as the Ministry of AwqafJordan has completed all transactions and procedures, In November, it issued tenders for the transportation of pilgrims.

And open the postponement of Saudi winter Umrah trips to the Palestinians of 48 and the Gaza Strip, which is besieged the door on the implications of the decision of Riyadh to require Hajj and Umrah carrying a national number and a permanent passport, a condition that does not satisfy the vast majority of Palestinians, especially refugees and those inside who imposed the Israeli passport.

The Ministry of Awqaf and the Ministry of Awqaf and the Higher Coordination Committee for Hajj and Umrah 48 Muslims, the cancellation of Umrah trips for the Palestinians of 48 and the Gaza Strip, for the winter season, where it is seen as part of Riyadh attempts to raise the Jordanian guardianship of Hajj and Umrah 48 Palestinians and applied since 1978.

Khairi Iskandar: Cancellation of the current winter dams Thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank have been prevented from performing Umrah (Al Jazeera Net)

Normalization of relations
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is racing to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia ahead of the Knesset elections, with the help of Mossad chief Yossi Cohen and a group of close American White House policymakers to achieve normalization.

Netanyahu announced his support for Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, accused of involvement in the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Netanyahu also sought to mediate with US President Donald Trump to keep bin Salman in office after Khashoggi's death and the humanitarian catastrophe caused by the war in Yemen. Said that Washington will keep and strengthen the alliance with Saudi Arabia in favor of Israel.

Iskandar believes that the Saudi authorities, which decided to lift the Jordanian guardianship and the requirement of a permanent passport, seek at this stage to feel the pulse of the Palestinian people and the reaction and position, in order to confirm its decision and work in a final future in the event met with Palestinian silence.

He stressed that the Palestinians of 48 refuse to be Hajj and Umrah trips bridge of normalization between Tel Aviv and Riyadh, and insist on the survival of the Jordanian trusteeship despite the problems and complaints about the decline of services and bureaucracy and suffering in travel and travel and the provision of supplies and shortening in transportation services and hotels.

Decrees to bid farewell to pilgrims from Palestinian 48 (Al Jazeera Net)

Deal of the Century
According to Palestinian spokesmen 48, the Saudi procedure comes in the context of the "Deal of the Century" by liquidating the issue of the right of return and the file of refugees by naturalizing and settling them in their places of residence. The procedure will require the requirement of travel for Hajj and Umrah with a permanent passport, A majority of the total number of refugees, in case they decided to perform Hajj and Umrah.

As for the Palestinians of the 48-year-old Israeli nationality, the speakers say that Hajj and Umrah will be used as a bridge to public normalization by allowing them to take Hajj and Umrah directly from Ben-Gurion airport to Saudi airports, ie, to exploit religion and religious rituals for normalization with Israel.

Under the Jordanian tutelage, 48 Palestinians are permitted to travel to the Hajj and Umrah, where they are allocated about 5000 seats per year for pilgrimage. Umrah trips, which continue annually and include Ramadan, travel annually to Saudi Arabia, an average of 50,000.

Normalization and Naturalization
For his part, member of the Higher Arab Follow-up Committee, Kamal Khatib said: "Jordan, which has provided care and guardianship over 40 years, deserves our thanks and appreciation. We also urge Oman to improve performance and services and reduce suffering."

But he stressed that "the recruitment of Saudi rites of the pillars of Islam for a political position paves the way for normalization of relations between them and Israel, this is what we reject and will not be silent on it. The objectives are more than the allegations of the convenience of pilgrims through the direct transfer from Tel Aviv to Saudi airports.

Khatib pointed out that the possibility of visiting the Saudi Crown Prince to Ramallah in the future is a prelude to normalization of relations, messages to Tel Aviv, stressing that he is sure that the next stage, is the stage of putting points on the characters.

He warned that Saudi measures are in line with Trump's proposal to reduce the number of refugees from 6 million to 40,000, in order to liquidate the Palestinian cause and eliminate the refugee issue and the right of return. "They want the Palestinians of Israel, In his place of residence, which means naturalization of refugees. "

Kamal Khatib: Saudi measures Hajj and Umrah comes in the context of "Deal of the Century" (Al Jazeera Net)

Custody and care
For his part, the spokesman of the Hajj and Umrah Coordination Committee, Haji Abdul Rahim Fakra, reviewed the latest developments in the Hajj and Umrah file after the cancellation of the winter dams and postponement. He pointed out that the Jordanian side regularly promised Umrah trips in early February, The next pilgrimage under Jordanian trusteeship.

He said that the Ministry of Awqaf in Jordan was clear in its communication that the cancellation of the winter dams by a Saudi decision due to the lack of time and technical problem prevented the completion of transactions and visas, noting that Oman is communicating with the Saudi authorities With regard to guardianship, the issue of the national number and the temporary Jordanian passport for the Palestinians of 1948.

He explained that a delegation from the Coordination Committee for Hajj and Umrah inside the Palestinian will travel to Amman soon after the return of the delegation of the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf, which is visiting Riyadh as part of preparations for the next Hajj season.

He stressed that the delegation will discuss with the Jordanian side and the directors of the Hajj and Umrah sections all the files and work for offering the Umrah Spring and Hajj season, and most importantly the latest developments in the Saudi position on the issue of the Jordanian guardianship over the Palestinians of 1948.