UN Secretary General Antonio Guterich arrives in Sweden on Wednesday to pay the government and Houthis to continue the UN-sponsored talks in an effort to end the conflict in their country, which has pushed millions of people to the brink of starvation.

The United Nations said in a statement published Tuesday that Gutierrez would "hold talks with both delegations" and "deliver a speech at the conclusion of this round of negotiations."

The Secretary-General's visit is aimed at "encouraging further negotiations" which could resume next month in a place to be determined, possibly in the Middle East, a diplomat said on condition of anonymity.

Negotiations began on December 6 in the Swedish village of Rimbo and are scheduled to close on Thursday.

The delegations of the two sides exchanged names yesterday about 16 thousand prisoners and detainees, in order to exchange them by January 19 next, but there are still differences between the two sides related to the work of Sanaa airport, and calm in the city of Hodeidah coastal, and lifting the siege imposed by the Houthis on The city of Taiz (southwest of the country).