Movement coordinators at Guingamp announce a rally on Wednesday and new ways of doing things. Finished the roundabouts, they now hear blocking targeted places. Including the Roudourou stadium, Saturday, on the occasion of the game of En Avant against the OGC Nice.

Guingamp yellow vests change their mode of action. In any case, this is what several coordinators of the Guingampais movement announce: no more roundabout presences. "We stop blocking the roundabouts and bother the citizens, definitely," said Jeremy Arzul.

A rally on Wednesday

They also announce a rally on Wednesday evening, Place du Vally, at 17:30. "We will give information on the way forward, for the yellow vests, in the days to come. We will also present a video, on the big screen, which traces the evolution of the movement since November 17, as well as our truth, adds Charly Godest. We appeal to farmers' unions, students, the unemployed, bosses. May they join us ".

New places blocked

From now on, the movement plans to act differently: "We will block economic sites, logistics, the tax hotel, the industrial area of ​​Bellevue ... We also call to block the Roudourou the night of the match, Saturday, so that we we see, that we are heard ".

The extent of the actions will depend on the number of people to join them.