The two parties to the Yemeni crisis meeting in Sweden received two papers, the first of which includes an agreement on the political framework, while the second includes agreements on Sanaa airport, the port of Hodeidah, the siege of Taiz and economic measures, the office of the international envoy to Yemen Martin Griffith said.

The consultations between the delegations of the Yemeni Government and the Houthis in the town of Rimbo, northern Sweden, continue for the seventh day in a row.

A spokeswoman for the United Nations told reporters that the parties to the conflict received a "final package" of agreements, adding "we hope to receive positive responses."

Two sources familiar with the news agency told Reuters that the parties to the consultations agreed that international flights landing at the airport controlled by the government for inspection before the intervention of Sanaa, controlled by the Houthis, while a member of the government delegation to the significant progress in the file of the opening of Sanaa airport.

On another issue, members of my negotiating delegation said that the two sides had agreed to resume oil and gas exports from Yemen.

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Next tour
UN Secretary-General António Guterres is due to join the final consultations in Sweden, with another round of consultations early next year.

Yemeni consultations began in Sweden on December 6 and are scheduled to conclude on Thursday.

The delegations of the two sides exchanged Tuesday the names of about 16 thousand prisoners and detainees, for the exchange by January 19 next, but there are still differences between the two sides related to the work of Sanaa airport, and calm in the city of Hodeidah coastal, and lifting the siege imposed by the Houthis On the city of Taiz south-west of Yemen.