Four prominent Democratic senators called on National Intelligence Director Dan Coates and intelligence chief Michael Atkinson to ascertain whether the administration of President Donald Trump complied with security clearance laws and procedures when Ivanka Trump and Jared Kouchner were given the highest security clearance to access information Confidential and sensitive.

The four lawmakers - Mark Warner, Diane Finstein, Bob Menendez and Jack Reid - stressed the importance of ensuring that the White House is treated fairly with the process of extracting permits.

These lawmakers said the issuance of these permits in questionable ways was part of a series of allegations that highlighted the Trump administration's irregularities in granting security clearance and revoking it.

The New York Times reported earlier that President Trump had ordered the White House chief of staff in May to give his son-in-law and his adviser Jared Kouchner a security statement that would allow him access to very confidential information.

Senior administration officials were alarmed by the decision, which prompted White House chief of staff John Kelly to write an internal memo on receiving an order to give Kouchner the security clearance, the paper said.

White House counselor at the time, Donald Megan, also wrote an internal memo expressing concerns about Kouchner and how he had recommended not giving him that permission.

According to the New York Times, the memos contradict Trump's statement in an interview with the paper in January that he had no role in Kouchner's security clearance.