Google has updated its developer policies on the Google Play store and has banned a number of application categories, including encrypted coin mining groups and applications with violent or pornographic content.

However, the company explained that the ban does not include applications that manage digital currencies, as long as these devices are not used for currency mining.

Google joined Apple, which recently banned applications for mining encrypted currencies, noting that "the only mining applications allowed are mining outside the device such as cloud-based mining."

Apps that are in violation of Google's regulatory regulations will immediately be removed from the App Store, such as those that contain sexually explicit scenes or content.

In the same context, Google does not allow apps that include or promote explicit sexual content such as pornography. In general, "We do not allow sexually suggestive content or services."

In the "Terrorist Content" section, Google said, "We do not allow terrorist organizations to publish applications on Google Play for any purpose, including the recruitment of terrorist elements."

"We do not allow applications that contain content related to terrorism, such as content that promotes terrorist acts, incites violence or celebrates terrorist attacks."

It also stated that it does not allow applications that support or contain threats, harassment or bullying, as well as applications that facilitate the sale of explosives, firearms, ammunition or some firearms accessories.