By RFIPalled on 06-03-2019Modified on 06-03-2019 at 23:07

In an article published Wednesday, March 6, The Tribune of Geneva says that Abdelaziz Bouteflika is "under permanent threat of life". The Swiss daily also states that he is still at the Geneva hospital. Algerians, who have not received any information on the state of health of their president since the officialization of his candidacy, are worried. And some do not hesitate to make hoaxes on the standard of the hospital center.

Videos of internet users filming themselves calling Geneva University Hospitals (HUG) flood social networks. Some order pizzas for President Abdelaziz Bouteflika .

Others pretend to be members of his family. Some even suggest that hospital staff orchestrate a power outage " to serve the Algerian people ."

On Facebook as on Twitter, the phenomenon quickly becomes viral. In 24 hours on Tuesday, the hospital says it received 1,500 more calls than a normal day. The situation has since calmed down, relativizes a staff member joined by RFI. But it is not inconsequential: " If the standards are monopolized, explains this manager, we may not be able to respond to people who need care. "

Abdelaziz Bouteflika's brother seen in the corridors

At the origin of this "bad-buzz", a video broadcast Monday night in the French program Quotidien . The images show Nacer Bouteflika, one of the brothers of the Algerian president, in the corridors of the Geneva hospital. The journalists try to stop him, without success.

In the corridors of the Geneva hospital, @azzahmedchaouch met ... Nacer Bouteflika, one of the brothers of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, while he is supposed to have returned to Algeria to campaign 🤔 pic.twitter. com / SMqWEwPgG4

Daily (@Qofficiel) March 4, 2019

For its part, the hospital center does not confirm the presence of Abdelaziz Bouteflika in its premises and recalls that it does not issue any information on the state of health of its patients.

While Algerians are still without news of the state of health of their president, La Tribune de Genève says that Abdelaziz Bouteflika is " under permanent threat of life ". In an article published Wednesday, the Swiss daily explains that the leader suffers from " neurological and respiratory problems ".

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