Gaspard Gantzer, François Hollande's communication advisor when he was at the Élysée, was the guest of the Politikos festival this Saturday. He returned to his aborted candidacy in Rennes, during the legislative elections in June 2017.

Gaspard Gantzer preferred to approach the subject on his own initiative, without even waiting for a possible question in the room. Invited to the festival Politikos this Saturday, the former communications advisor to François Hollande spoke of his failed investiture in Rennes, legislative elections in June 2017, in the second constituency of Ille-et-Vilaine (Rennes Nord).

Gaspard Gantzer and Franck Louvrier with, in the center, the journalist Frédéric Says, during the debate at the Politikos festival. | WEST FRANCE

"I was not acclaimed ..."

"At the time, Emmanuel Macron had asked me to introduce myself. The least we can say is that I was not acclaimed, " he said with a touch of humor. His candidacy under the label The Republic in March (LREM) had caused an uproar, local candidates talking about parachuting from Paris.

Gaspard Gantzer had finally given up being a candidate twenty-four hours after the official announcement. He had not even had time to set foot in Rennes to start his campaign.

Franck Louvrier, another guru of the com, in the service of Nicolas Sarkozy for fifteen years. | WEST FRANCE

"If I have to be a candidate, it's in Paris"

"I had the lucidity to remove my marbles. In hindsight, I realize it was a very bad idea, " he admits today. He does not hide it, he will be candidate in the municipal elections in 2020. But this time in the capital. "If I have to be a candidate, it's in Paris. We need to do politics where we have our roots. I do not see myself as a candidate in Burgundy or Normandy. "

It will be his first steps in the political arena. A passage that other communications advisers have done before him. Franck Louvrier, who worked for a long time with Nicolas Sarkozy, is vice-president of the Pays-de-la-Loire Region, also a city councilor of La Baule. Recently, he was elected president of the Federation of Republicans (LR) of Loire-Atlantique.