Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash confirmed the historical role of the UAE in Yemen. Gargash noted that the priority in Yemen is to confront Huthi, and the road to success is work and sacrifice, which the UAE has realized through its contribution to the Arab alliance.

"The priority in Yemen is to confront Houthi, without which Yemen will not settle and the security of the region will be negatively affected," Gargash said in a tweet on Twitter. , And the road to success is work and sacrifice, which the UAE realized through its contribution to the Arab alliance ».

Since March 26, 2015, the Arab Coalition has been waging military operations in Yemen against Houthi militias in response to President Abdurbo Mansour Hadi's request to intervene militarily to "protect Yemen and its people from the aggression of the Huthi militias" in an attempt to prevent their control of the whole of Yemen.

The UAE plays a pivotal role in Yemen militarily and humanely, as well as its humanitarian and service projects. The Emirati leadership registered an original Arab position in its support of the Yemenis, repressing them, and confronting the Houthi coup.