Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash said that "the Emir of Qatar at the Doha Forum refuses to interfere in his internal affairs and clings to his country's policies by interfering in the internal affairs of his neighbors and countries in the region." Essentially enables the young leadership to manage things realistically. "

"It is clear that the Qatari regime understands that its citizens see their disconnection from the Gulf region as a major existential crisis and an abnormal situation," Gargash said in twitter comments yesterday. "This is where Doha's desperate attempts to resolve the problem come without addressing the real causes of the dispute. .

He added: "Perhaps we do not add a new when we point out that the desperate attempts to seek solutions through Western capitals did not succeed, and was not in itself a convincing policy, yet Doha under Turkish and Iranian protection continue to work in the same desperate format.

Gargash added: "In the series of mistakes of Qatar, which deepened its crisis of malicious targeting against Saudi Arabia, finally, and the role instigated in Riyadh with Turkey, and in the Western circles and international organizations, efforts behind closed doors leak news faster than expected Doha.