The Norman derby of the 8th round of the Coupe de France between the Petit Poucet Calvados and the pro club Le Havre, originally scheduled to Deauville, was finally to take place in Dives. Except that there is an administrative problem on the homologation of the stadium Heurtematte of Dives ... Where will this game be played Saturday, December 8?

The designation of the place of the poster between the Petit poucet Calvados (R3) and the pros of Le Havre (L2), scheduled for Saturday, December 8, turns sketch.

Initially scheduled in Deauville, it was finally moved to Dives, because the capacity of the stadium of Commandant-Hébert in Deauville was limited to 700 places by the French Football Federation (FFF).

The locker rooms are yet to standards!

The stadium Heurtematte of Dives, him, offered 2500 places and conditions of reception to the federal standards, since the repairing of the cloakrooms in 2014.

Except that, according to the Villers-Houlgate club, the FFF would never have received the letters stipulating this repair, that the former League of Basse-Normandie was supposed to send to the national authority ... Hence the refusal, transmitted this Monday afternoon by the FFF at the Calvados club, holding the match at Dives!

This mic-mac put in a big anger the leaders of Petit Poucet Augeron, who had started the preparations of welcome to Dives and found themselves this Monday without stage of withdrawal: a plan C was envisaged in Lisieux, but the stadium Bielmann would not be approved either ...

Villers-Houlgate does not yet despair of being able to welcome Le Havre to Dives, if this administrative quarrel is very quickly settled. What is not insured. "We do not want to end up in a big stadium, in Caen or even less at the Océane stadium in Le Havre! It's a very complicated situation , " blows the club villersois. He also does not want a return to Deauville as a last resort, given the shortfall in ticket revenue that would mean.