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The near bankruptcy of L'Humanité is Jaurès, who is murdered a second time.
If the socialist leader, who founded the newspaper in 1904, fell under the bullets of a nationalist student in 1914, his newspaper, it is a victim of the collapse of its sales at the beginning of the 21st century. Sales dropped by 6% between 2017 and 2018, reaching around 30,000 copies.

Debt-stricken, L'Humanité is in cessation of payment, "placed under the protection of the Commercial Court of Bobigny", near Paris, announced its director Patrick Le Hyaric. The 200 employees of the newspaper, among which a hundred journalists, will be paid by a wage guarantee fund, the daily no longer have enough cash.

Management recognizes that L'Humanité faces "serious financial difficulties, like other newspapers", competing with new free media. But in the case of a newspaper that was for a long time the official organ of the French Communist Party, the evil is deeper. Militants are aging, are less numerous and are militating differently.

Humanity , like the daily La Croix , is not backed by any bank or any financial or industrial group. The newspaper survives thanks to state aid to the press and the donations of its readers.

In a statement released on Saturday, January 26, the syndicate journalist SNJ-CGT newspaper launches a cry of alarm: in 2019, the independent press, " this precious property is in danger as ever. The technological changes in the press, the change in reading habits but also the need for editorial innovation require means " .

Next Wednesday, the court will decide if Jaurès's newspaper is placed in liquidation, ie closed, or if it is placed in recovery, which would give him a chance of survival. A meeting to support the newspaper was announced in February in Paris and a subscription is open .