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A few hundred nurses marched in front of the Ministry of Health on November 20, 2018. RFI / Lucie Bouteloup Cavallo

After the yellow vests, the white coats. The nurses were called by 16 trade unions to stop work and demonstrate in all regions of France on Tuesday, November 20th. The profession believes to be forgotten by the health authorities. In Paris, nurses were a few hundred demonstrating near the Ministry of Health; many of them work as liberals.

The thin, icy rain did not cool the anger of Laurence, a liberal nurse. She does not have a yellow vest but a bandage, wrapped around her head. " I put on a bandage because we are stunned by the loads, stunned by the price of gas, " she says. I'm in a small village so I drain a lot of villages around me. I'm doing 170 km a day. I have mileage fees that are paid at 0.35 cents per kilometer and 2.5 euros per trip while the doctor is ten euros and the physio, four .

Dominique, meanwhile, is revolted by the way health insurance remunerates the acts performed. " For example, we go to a patient and we have three treatments to do. Let's put two dressings and an injection, she details. The first is paid full pot, the second half price and the third is free. Who works for free today ? We must stop making fun of the world. "

We just do not work in good conditions and when we see the health plan presented by the president, we are completely forgotten about the health system.

William, nurse at the Pitié-Salpêtrière 20/11/2018 - by RFI Play

The recent announcement of the health plan has not reassured, quite the opposite. " On 80 pages of presentation of the health plan , we have about three times the word" nurse "in the report, insists Daniel Guillerm, the vice-president of the National Federation of the nurses. On the other hand, there are a lot of measures concerning only the doctors so we have the feeling of being left behind, once more, while we are the pegs of the system ".

And the union leader warns: the vocations crisis is not far.