The French Foreign Ministry described Iran's test of a medium-range ballistic missile capable of carrying several warheads as "provocative and destabilizing".

"France is concerned about Iran's test of a medium-range ballistic missile last Saturday, and condemns this destabilizing provocative act," spokeswoman Anne-Pierre van der Mol said in a statement.

The statement added that the test contravened UN Security Council Resolution 2231, and France called on Tehran to immediately cease all activities related to ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear warheads.

On the other hand, the President of the Iranian Shura Council Ali Larijani acknowledged that his country is facing what he called "chronic challenges" existed before the United States to impose sanctions on Tehran for a long time.

"External factors affect our economy, but there are problems that have been going on for a long time," Larijani told a news conference. "There are a number of challenges facing the country, including the large and expensive government, high interest rates that are disrupting production, To the water crisis.

"The parliament's research center has repeatedly warned against these challenges, but the government has yet to deal with the underlying problems," he said.