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In Paris firefighters, women represent only 3% of the workforce (Photo illustration). PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP

Several cases of sexual harassment have been uncovered within the Paris fire brigade. The words of some young women are released. One of them accuses for example his rape superior. According to the newspaper Le Monde, three complaints are now targeting Parisian rescuers. The testimonies are chilling.

" They took my youth ." These are the words of one of the complainants, a young fireman. For her, harassment begins very early: the alleged victim has just been recruited for training in 2016. Bullying, exclusions from certain activities just because she is a woman. In his section, when one is not a man, one must impose oneself. That's what she's trying to do.

Very quickly his comrades address him sexist remarks, gestures moved during activities at the swimming pool for example. In her kit on the way back she finds condoms or the word: clear.

The young woman tries to stop this daily harassment and relies on her corporal. She claims to have been subsequently raped by the same officer.

The complainant, who testified in October, now denounces the behavior of her superiors who do not support her.

For General Jean-Claude Gallet, head of the fire brigade in Paris, the facts are unacceptable. He assures that sanctions have already been taken against the soldiers concerned.

This testimony breaks the omerta in the firemen, in a medium that remains very masculine. Women represent only 3% of the workforce.