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Christophe Castaner acts as a weak link in the government. REUTERS / Christian Hartmann

Christophe Castaner was forced to retropead the day after its release on the "attack" of Pitié-Salpêtrière by demonstrators during the parade of May 1st. The Minister of the Interior is once again at the center of a controversy and forced the Prime Minister to fly to his aid.

The instructions came from above, the President of the Republic who asked his lieutenants to convey the message: " We must defend castaner block ". No question for Emmanuel Macron to let go of his Minister of the Interior. The executive considers that the new controversy surrounding his remarks is " unfair ".

And it is Édouard Philippe himself who has undertaken to reaffirm his full support to Christophe Castaner, declaring on the sidelines of his trip to the Charente that the Minister of the Interior had " obviously and as from the beginning any his confidence .

Exit from the point of view of the Prime Minister calls for resignation, requests for parliamentary inquiry commission that have succeeded in opposition left and right since Wednesday.

Still, after being questioned for his management of the events of "yellow vests" for his nights out in nightclub, Christophe Castaner continues to arouse criticism and serves as a weak link in the government. A member of the majority also regrets that he " went up to speed too quickly and it ruined a sequence rather successful since in terms of crowd management, the job, he said, had been made the May 1st ".

Also to listen: Pitié-Salpêtrière case: is there a Castaner problem? ( Guest France )