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The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire presented at a press conference before the Council of Ministers, Wednesday, March 6, 2019, his project of taxation for GAFAM.e ERIC PIERMONT / AFP

The Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire presents this Wednesday morning in the Council of Ministers a bill on the taxation of digital giants. A tax of 3% on their turnover which will apply on January 1st, 2019, and which must bring back 500 million euros per year. For the minister, taxing the giants of the Net is a question of tax justice.

The largest digital companies pay 14% less taxes than others according to the Minister of the Economy, while if we look at their market capitalization which reaches several hundred billion dollars we see that they create a lot of value.

So far they largely escape regulation by domiciling for example in tax havens. For Bruno Le Maire, to make these businesses pay is therefore to create the tax rules of the 21st century.

It is a question of taxing only the very big companies, those which realize a turnover higher than 750 million euros in the world and 25 million euros in France. This is not to penalize the start ups and the SMEs.

The risk is that this tax is passed on to consumers and ultimately they are the ones who pay ... But for the Minister of Economy, the final impact on users will remain low.

An imperfect tax still recognizes Bruno the Mayor but has the merit of existing.
The French government was counting on an agreement at European level. But it failed to convince the 27 and is now making progress in a broader framework, that of the OECD.

to (re) read : GAFAM: France launches its own tax