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At the Salon of Agriculture, February 23, 2019. LUCAS BARIOULET / AFP

The Salon de l'agriculture ended this Sunday, March 3 in Paris. For nine days, a thousand exhibitors from all over France and around the world were able to present their products to the public and professionals. This 2019 edition was marked by a drop in attendance.

On the stand The rose in hand, the flowers and fresh fruits are colorful, well presented. Brigitte Saint-Clair, who came from Guadeloupe to sell them at the Salon de l'agriculture, does not complain. But it still recognizes a decrease in its activity compared to previous years. " At home, we have used to have salons for generations and generations. Every year, it is true that we sell less and less. That is, there are fewer people in the living room. And every year, people will consume more and watch less, "she says.

The 2019 edition of the Salon de l'agriculture was indeed marked by a drop in attendance. The event this year welcomed between 630,000 and 640,000 visitors, against more than 670,000 last year.

" About 80% of the sale has been made "

The declining affluence did not stop all exhibitors from doing business. Olivier Ressouche, milk producer in Lozère is rather satisfied. The 800 kilograms of cheese he brought were almost sold out.

Anne-Gaëlle Fontaine, Flavors of the small still, displays the same satisfaction. This Reunionese producer offers products based on essential oils of geranium rosa. For her, this show was a success: " For the sale, it went well. I brought 300 kg of merchandise, 80 % of the sale was made "Anne-Gaëlle also made contacts. " I met a perfumer in a shop in Paris, and he is interested in my products, " she says.

This year, some 60 foreign delegations were also present in Paris, with exhibitors from Maghreb and West Africa.

■ A reread: Agricultural Fair: a sector in better shape