This Wednesday, July 25, the fontenaisienne Ophélie Morival will turn the first clip of his career 39 years. Proof that it's never too late ...

Leonard Cohen, Susan Boyle, Bill Withers, Andrea Bocelli ... All these stars have in common to have started their musical career late, at 30 years old, with the success that we know. What inspire the fontenaisienne Ophélie Morival who, at age 39, will shoot the first clip of his career, this Wednesday, July 25, 2018.

Like many artists, her desire to become a singer came to her very early, from childhood. But her mother, herself a professional lyric singer, dissuades her from following this path. "You are too young to take classes," she repeats. Weary of war, she gives up singing and, instead, learns to play two instruments: the piano and the guitar.

First album

The years go by. At 28, Ophélie has put away his dream of a career in the song. She did not let the music down. "I knew musicians I used to talk to from time to time, just like that, because they thought I had a little talent, they put me in touch with a songwriter." From this collaboration comes a first album, "made only for family and friends". [...]

In 2017, she meets Eric Miller, a composer who has worked with several former candidates The Voice as Olympus or Benjamin Bocconi. Seduced by the universe of the young woman, whose model is of artists such as Michel Polnareff, Veronique Sanson, or Michel Berger, he writes dozens of songs that, for the most part, appear on his second album, Pensées sauvages , published last March.

"Now the next step is to make myself known," says Ophelia. [...]