In a letter to Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, 18 Breton MPs, mainly from La République en Marche, ask the government to strengthen the role of floating wind in the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP).

The development of marine renewable energies and floating wind turbines was at the heart of the debates during the Assises de la mer on November 28 in Brest. On this occasion, François de Rugy took the opportunity to clarify the government's announcements concerning the EPP (multi-year energy programming).

" For the floating wind a first call for projects will take place in 2021 in Southern Brittany for 250 megawatts and in 2022 in the Mediterranean also for 250 megawatts to reach 500 megawatts per year from 2025" , announced the minister of the 'Ecology.

"Do not miss this opportunity"

"Insufficient" , answer 18 Breton deputies, mainly from the ranks of the presidential majority. They have just sent a letter to the Prime Minister, in which they ask "to intervene urgently to revise upward the pace and volume of calls for tenders defined for floating wind," says Jean-Charles Larsonneur, LREM deputy from Finistère.

"Let's not miss this opportunity, on pain of depriving us of a real French industrial sector, competitive and job-creating in our territories," said the elected representative who recalled the "220 million euros invested by the Brittany Region sut the polder of Brest " .

The 18 signatories:

Annaïg Le Meur , MP LREM Finistère; Didier Le Gac , LREM deputy from Finistère; Sandrine Le Feur ; MEP LREM Finistère; Graziella Melchior , LREM MP from Finistère; Liliana Tanguy , LREM MP from Finistère; Erwan Balanant , MP MoDem Finistère; Jean-Charles Larsonneur , LREM deputy from Finistère; Hervé Pellois , LREM deputy from Morbihan; Jimmy Pahun , MP MoDem of Morbihan; Nicole Le Peilh , LREM MP from Morbihan; Paul Molac , regionalist deputy, former LREM of Morbihan; Gwendal Rouillard , LREM deputy from Morbihan; Bruno Joncour , MP MoDem of Côtes-d'Armor; Yannick Kerlogot , LREM deputy from Côtes-d'Armor; Eric Bothorel , LREM deputy from Côtes-d'Armor; Laurence Maillart-Méhaignerie , LREM MP from Ille-et-Vilaine; François André , LREM deputy from Ille-et-Vilaine; Gaël Le Bohec , LREM deputy from Ille-et-Vilaine.