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Sitting in a hangar of the aircraft carrier "Charles-de-Gaulle", the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron granted an interview to the private channel TF1, November 14, 2018. Handout / TF1 / AFP

Emmanuel Macron took advantage of his passage on the aircraft carrier Charles-de-Gaulle to grant a new TV interview to TF1. At three days of the vast protest movement of "yellow vests", who called for the blockage on November 17, the head of state has tried in turn to mitigate the discontent of the French.

The Charles-de-Gaulle , a Rafale plane in the background: the set was ideal to show Emmanuel Macron in his attire as head of state and the Armies, well above the political bickers. But on the bottom, it will have mainly been about the subjects of everyday life of the French.

And for good reason: the anger rising around purchasing power worries the executive. And if Emmanuel Macron was once again lent to the game of the interview, it's because he had to manage a crisis. First by recognizing this anger, expressed by the movement of "yellow vests", and drawing a report. " This anger, I share it, because there is one thing that I have not really managed to do. I failed to reconcile the French people with its leaders, "admitted the French president.

To " reconcile the base and the summit ", Emmanuel Macron made a commitment to change his method. " Our fellow citizens, in my eyes, want three things today: we consider them, protect them, provide them with solutions. And consideration, we probably did not bring enough. It means to hear them, to govern differently, to get closer to the field ... Maybe decide in a different way, not everything in Paris, "he says.

More than a passing discontent, the Head of State seems to fear a divorce with the French like the one that his predecessors have known.