The British justice court on Friday sentenced three men to the jail for causing the blast that shattered a building in Leicester in central England last February, killing five people insurance policy.

"None of the defendants showed any trace of remorse for their pernicious crimes," Judge David Holgate said in a sentencing judgment before the Royal Leicester Court. "It is clear from the way they have behaved both in front of the court and outside, that they are manipulative and ruffled people," he added.

Fraud to insurance. Arkan Ali, Hawkar Hassan and Aram Kurd, three thirties, had been convicted in late December guilty of murder and conspiracy to commit insurance fraud. Their sentences of life imprisonment pronounced on Friday were accompanied by periods of safety of a minimum of 33 years. The explosion, which occurred on February 25, destroyed a supermarket owned by Kurd, and the two floors of apartments above. The trio had used 26 liters of gasoline to burn the business, in the hope that its destruction would allow them to receive an insurance policy of 300,000 pounds (332,000 euros), said Michelle Keen, head of the police investigation .

An employee who knew too much. Despite "significant investment", the supermarket "was not as profitable as expected," she said, saying the three men had acted "purely out of greed". The explosion caused the death of an employee, girlfriend of one of the convicts, who knew too much: it was "to prevent him from revealing their plan, while increasing their share in the police. insurance, "said prosecutor Janine Smith, in a statement from the prosecution responding to the verdict of guilt. A 46-year-old mother, her children aged 17 and 18, and the girlfriend of one of them, aged 18, also died in the fire.