United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum

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Former UK Brexit Minister David Davis has accused Germany and the EU of being uncompromising in dealing with the UK. "Europe was determined to make sure that we would not have any advantages," says Davis in an interview in the latest issue of SPIEGEL. While his country had tried to find "a good outcome for all sides" in the Brexit negotiations, Brussels was fully committed to harshness: "In fact, Mrs Merkel, if I remember correctly, said in spirit that Britain is by no means exempt from Brexit may benefit. " (Read the full interview at SPIEGEL + here.)

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Davis, 70, resigned in July last year in protest at Prime Minister Theresa May's compliant Brexit course. The UK Parliament is expected to vote on the divorce deal it negotiates with the EU next Tuesday. The House of Commons will put a quick end to the plan, Davis prophesies in SPIEGEL: "The Brexit deal will fail, and it will fail if you put it to the vote a second or third time with a few cosmetic corrections."

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There was no reason to fear the chaos that followed, according to the Conservative. He considers leaving the EU "manageable" without any deal: "Well possible that we will have truck traffic jams, who knows, maybe we will also see hostile actions by European states, but whatever happens after one year have given all this. " Other predictions are "scare stories".

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