Sami A. defended himself legally against his deportation from Germany. The executed despite a judicial ban on Tunisia ex-bodyguard of the killed Qaida leader Osama bin Laden on Friday an emergency application to the Administrative Court Gelsenkirchen. That has now decided: A. must be returned.

The deportation of A. presented as "grossly unlawful and violates fundamental constitutional principles," the court said.

The A. classified by the security authorities as an Islamist threat A. had been flown on Friday morning in the company of federal police with a charter plane from Dusseldorf to his home country.

Only on Thursday, the Administrative Court Gelsenkirchen had decided that Sami A. for the time being may not be deported. His ban on deportation was justified by Sami A.'s lack of security against torture in Tunisia. The NRW refugee ministry responsible for deportation stated that it had no knowledge of the ban on deportation.