Marine Le Pen kicked off the European elections for the National Gathering. The president of the party frontist presented the first 12 candidates of his list at a meeting at Mutuality in Paris on Sunday.

Rallies of all kinds. In a neat staging, the slogan of the campaign "On arrives" was posed in large letters on the stage. And no logo of the RN in sight, as to overcome the party with rallies posted in war, installed on the scene alongside Marine Le Pen. Among them are the former minister under Nicolas Sarkozy Thierry Mariani, the former UMP deputy Jean-Paul Garraud or a former socialist. "We have chosen to bring together people with different backgrounds, but who all share the love of our country and make with us this beautiful European and French dream," said Marine Le Pen from the podium.

"Beat Macron". These rallies are crucial for the National Rally, which intends to "beat Macron" in the May 26 poll, as hammered by its president. "For the first time, we can hope to change the Europe of Europe, and because European politics has become insinuated in our daily lives, we can change the France of Europe. take Emmanuel Macron on both fronts, in France and in Europe, "said Marine Le Pen, who intends, in case of victory, to form a coalition of sovereignist parties, many of which are already in power.

"The stakes will be clear, it will be about beating Macron." Marine Le Pen sets course for European elections

- BFMTV (@BFMTV) January 13, 2019

"A replica of the presidential". While the "yellow vests" conducted their "act 9" Saturday, Marine Le Pen warned the head of state: "If Emmanuel Macron does not have the wisdom to change the policy (or) to turn again to the people by dissolution, (...) then the democratic arbitration will have to come from the European elections ", which will be" like a replica of the presidential ", according to her. "We are all 'yellow vests'," said Marine Le Pen, who kept his distance from this movement defying the political class. A caution that seems to have paid, the party being credited with 24% of voting intentions, ahead of The Republic in motion, according to a recent survey.

An offensive tone. The young spokesman for 23-year-old RN Jordan Bardella, head of the party's list, in turn launched a violent charge against the executive: "In the evening of May 26, I want (the ministry of Inside) Christophe Castaner has tears in his eyes when he sees the results (...) I want (government spokesman) Benjamin Griveaux to search his words on the TV sets to minimize the beating ". The objective of the RN with these elections is thus clearly displayed: to make the European elections a true anti-Macron referendum.