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Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on 5 April 2019 in Budapest, during the launching speech of his party's campaign, Fidesz, ahead of the elections to the European Parliament. PETER KOHALMI / AFP

It was before a select audience - members of his government and party officials - that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the nationalist, opened his party's electoral campaign for the European elections.

With our correspondent in Budapest, Florence La Bruyère

The campaign focuses on the favorite theme of the Hungarian leader: the peril of migration. In a virulent speech, Viktor Orban accused the outgoing President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, for encouraging the arrival of illegal immigrants in Europe. He has also denigrated Manfred Weber, the leader of the European right wing who recently suspended Viktor Orban's party . The strong man of Budapest poses as a defender of a " Christian Europe ".

Against the European policy of Europe

" It has been 1,000 years since Hungarians have protected Europe, they are for the European Union. But they are tired of Brussels, they want a change! He exclaimed to a tribune adorned with a dozen red, white and green flags. " The millions of illegal immigrants arriving in Europe threaten the security and Christian identity of Europeans. The English are leaving, and the migrants are there. This is the record of Jean-Claude Juncker! "

It is the governments that should manage the migration policy, not Europe, hammering a confident Viktor Orban, and Brussels should stop funding the NGOs handled by George Soros. " On May 26, we will show that it is not the NGOs of George Soros, nor the bureaucrats in Brussels who will have the last word, he exclaims again. These are the voters ! The party of Viktor Orban is largely won in the European elections. It must be said that the electoral system is designed to benefit his party.

►To read also: The Viktor Orban case