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Twelve heads of the European list at a start on France 2, Thursday, April 4. REUTERS / Christian Hartmann

It's a record ! 33 lists have been tabled for the European elections to be held in France on May 26th. There were only 20 in 1999, the date of the last European election with a single national constituency. Candidates had until Friday night to register with the Ministry of the Interior. The lists were published this Saturday morning, May 4, in the Official Journal.

This record number is explained by the bursting of the French political landscape. The traditional parties alone represent about fifteen lists to which are added not less than 3 lists from the movement of "yellow vests".

And then there are a lot of small formations that have no chance to send MPs to the Strasbourg Parliament, but who benefit from the vote to make their voices heard and advance their ideas. This is the case, for example, of the animalist party of the royalist list or even of the party composed only of less than 30 years old. Some of these movements that do not have funding will require their constituents to print their ballots themselves.

For the moment, at 3 weeks of the election , the big winners should be the party of Marine Le Pen and that of Emmanuel Macron who are neck and neck in the polls. But many candidates ensure that voters will decide in the last few days, about half of the French are not yet sure of their choice.

Only lists with at least 5% of the votes will have MEPs.

Also to listen: European elections under surveillance ( The bottom of the infox )