In mid-March, the Federation of Solidarity Actors estimated at least 8,000 homeless and 1,500 migrants the number of people at risk of being put off the street from 31 March.

At the end of the winter break in a few days, 6,000 places of accommodation for the homeless will be maintained, bringing to 145,000 the number of places open all year, said Wednesday the Minister of Housing Julien Denormandie.

"An unprecedented effort". These 6,000 places are part of some 14,000 open as part of the winter plan. The winter break runs from November 1st to March 31st. During this period, exceptional places are opened in accommodation centers and evictions are suspended. "This is an unprecedented effort, no left or right government has ever been so sustainable, and we continue with humility and determination to deal with the emergency and the aftermath with the 'Housing First' plan." said Julien Denormandie.

By the end of the winter of 2017-2018, 5,000 places had been maintained, out of the 13,000 opened as part of the winter plan. In 2018, 566 homeless, all public, died from the street in France, against 511 in 2017, according to the collective The dead of the street, which lists each year these deaths.

9,500 people in danger. The government plan "Housing First" aims to promote access to housing very social and avoid the meanders of accommodation circuits. Every year, the associations call for the perpetuation of a "maximum of places of accommodation". In mid-March, the Federation of Solidarity Actors (FAS) which groups 800 associations, estimated at least 8,000 homeless and 1,500 migrants the number of people at risk of being put on the street from 31 March.

>> READ ALSO - In 2018, 566 homeless people killed on the street in France

Associations worried. The nonprofit sector is also worried this year to see the phenomenon amplified by the possible return to the street of hundreds of migrants in Ile-de-France, if the administrative transformation of their emergency accommodation centers (CHUM) leads to deprive them of their accommodation. The concern is "all the more intense as the end of the winter plan approach", leaving fears that "several hundred people" will find themselves on the street in the coming weeks, said Wednesday the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, in calling on the state to make an "emergency plan" to clear the camps.