For Fabrice Furlan, president of the Federation of professionals of the micro-mobility, the project of decree of the government "gives a frame of play for a good cohabitation between the bicycles, the pedestrians, and the electric scooters".


The regulation was expected since the explosion of electric scooters. By a future draft decree finalized by the Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne, the government will implement a series of measures to amend the Highway Code to tighten the regulation of motorized electric vehicles. "A good thing," says Fabrice Furlan, president of the Federation of professionals of micro-mobility (FP2M), at the microphone of Europe 1, saying that it will "provide a framework for a good coexistence between bicycles , pedestrians, and electric scooters ".

"It's a good thing, and it was a need, because there was no regulation that clarified the places of use for the electric scooters", reacts Fabrice Furlan, while the draft decree puts in particular places a fine of 135 euros in case of traffic on the sidewalks. "It's a bit like driving, if you do not have a Traffic Code that allows you to know where to go, it becomes anarchic," he continues.

A fine of 135 euros in case of traffic on the sidewalk

This new regulation "expected for quite some time", "will provide a framework for a good coexistence between bicycles, pedestrians, and electric scooters," says the president of the FP2M.

Finally, Fabrice Furlan is delighted that the draft decree also addresses "the safe part", such as the wearing of helmets for children under 12 years, the wearing of lights (scooters will have particular front and rear lights), and that "the similarities related to the bike". "We will be on the same speeds at maximum 25 km / h on bike paths, zones 30 and the roadway".