Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the former vice president of the republic, criticized the ban on visits to Egyptian prisons by the deposed president Mohamed Morsi and his son, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed al-Beltagy and other political detainees.

ElBaradei, a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, called for the prevention of long-term visits to the morally and legally horrifying situation, stressing that this situation can not be understood and can not be allowed to continue.

The former president of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) asked who was responsible for these violations and whether he would be held accountable. He was surprised by the Egyptian government's anger at the reports of human rights organizations critical of the situation in Egypt, especially in prisons.

This is a continuation of ElBaradei's continuing comments on the human rights situation in Egypt, which prompted the Egyptian media to criticize ElBaradei.

If it is true, and I hope to be wrong, that Dr. Morsi and his son and Dr. El-Beltagy and many others have been prevented from visiting for periods ranging from months and years we are in front of a situation morally morally and legally can not be understood and can not continue! Who is responsible and will be held accountable and why angry reports from human rights organizations

- Mohamed ElBaradei (@ElBaradei) 3 March 2019

As usual, ElBaradei elicited a controversy among his followers. Some praised it, stressing the deterioration of the human rights situation in Egypt, especially in prisons, while others accused ElBaradei of taking part in the events of June 30, 2013 and announcing the military coup in 3 July 2013, and assuming the post of Vice President of the Republic of the Republic.

Sheik al-Qaradawi has 56 years and has more than a year and a half in solitary confinement and is not allowed to visit, even though she is not political and has no political affiliations, but her only concern is that she is the daughter of al-Qaradawi.

- Freedom (@ noorel3ayn) March 3, 2019

Oh God, Doctor Mohamed ElBaradei, you have not been wronged, and if you have not turned, and you have not been imprisoned.

- Conscious . (@jmalkashogji) March 3, 2019

Who governs Egypt now the son of Israel the righteous and unfortunately, the Arab devil with funds and influence satisfaction of the Zionist entity has become the most important rulers of Arab Arabs unfortunately

- Mohamed Singer (@ mzeezm131) March 3, 2019

Deteriorative health deterioration
ElBaradei called yesterday for medical care for the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed al-Beltagy after his family announced that he had suffered a stroke due to medical negligence in the prison, pointing out that medical care is a basic human right in accordance with Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The right to medical care is a fundamental human right (Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and must be available to all human beings, even if restricted to freedom. This applies to Dr. Mohamed El-Beltagy and any person in need of health care. Our humanity is one, not selective and indivisible

- Mohamed ElBaradei (@ElBaradei) 2 March 2019

ElBaradei renewed his call for consensus on a fundamental human rights document, which includes the right to life, faith, freedom of expression, education, health and fair justice. "We can disagree on many needs, but we can never disagree with our humanity, a red line."

We can disagree on many needs but we can never disagree on our humanity; a red line for everyone and in any circumstances: the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of expression, health, education, justice and others. We agree with an updated fundamental human rights document that changes them. Without such a virtue your place is a secret

- Mohamed ElBaradei (@ElBaradei) 2 March 2019

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi told a news conference following the Arab-European summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, addressing the Europeans "to us our humanity and our values ​​and your humanity and your values," rejecting criticism of the human rights file in Egypt.

On Friday, the El-Beltagy family said in a statement that it had learned of the deterioration of the health condition of El-Beltagy, which culminated in its knowledge of a stroke that did not even know its timing nor the measures taken to treat it.

The family carried the Egyptian regime, the Ministry of the Interior, the Prisons Service and the Attorney-General "full responsibility for the life of the Beltagy".

There was no statement from the Ministry of the Interior, but security sources denied in statements carried by local media, saying that he was in good health.

The Baltaji is a former parliamentarian and one of the most prominent leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the courts have sentenced him to initial death and life sentences in several cases.

According to human rights organizations, the prison of Scorpio is occupied by large numbers of cadres and leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, and others opposed to the current authorities, and where they are subjected to human rights violations, which the authorities deny.