Hassan El Masry - Cairo

"Life is too short to do the things you do not like," Ahmed Abu Zaid said in his life. Despite his academic excellence and his entrance into the Civil Engineering Department, he realized after graduation that his career was not engineering, but another field.

His passion for photography has led YouTube to share his experiences with his followers. Over time, AbuZayd has become a professional content maker, or Utopar, and his online channel is rated by more than 2.3 million followers. And international companies, which ensures a good material return through advertising.

Ahmed Abu Zayd's decision to leave his job as a civil engineer was not easy. He needed a long period of thinking that lasted for about ten months. He had to go through the new experience that his family and friends considered to be his career.

"I was a civil engineer who was not an area I loved and was far from my desire. I had entered the Faculty of Engineering with a passion for mathematics, but I specialized in the Department of Civil Engineering, which had nothing to do with mathematics, Nature of my character ".

After 17 months of engineering work, Abu Zeid has reached a stage where he can not continue because of pressure.

"I faced a lot of criticism from everyone around me because of my decision, but I found happiness in the video industry, working in front of the camera and editing, and I was delighted to serve followers. For example, I brought some visitors to English."

He describes his new work via YouTube as interesting, exciting and informative. He provides educational content that includes English language and graphic instruction and offers advice in more than one field.

Abu Zeid mentioned the disadvantages of free work on YouTube, such as the absence of a break between working time and rest time, lack of regular income, lack of benefits for normal work such as health insurance, vacations, etc., but he does not regret his experience. He is free in time, Assigned to make and view videos.

According to him, the work on YouTube earns a good financial income, but it took a lot of work and diligence and study before taking the step, otherwise it will turn to risk and adventure is not good consequences.

Several models
Ahmed Abu Zeid is not the only young man who has switched to YouTube through Egypt. There are many young people who have found their place in the famous social networking site, including Abdullah Khalid, 33, who graduated from the English Language Department but because of his passion In the content industry, go to learning output, photography, editing, working in the filmmaking industry, then turn to the content industry via YouTube and Facebook.

Speaking to Al Jazeera Net, Abdullah said the content maker focuses on what interests visitors to social networking sites by offering attractive videos.

He points out that his interest was mainly in the social issues of interest to citizens and media attention, with the selection of comic or dramatic templates to provide.

Abdullah pointed out that the most difficult challenges facing the content makers in general is that the work on YouTube is no longer as easy as it was at the beginning, as the rate of access to content is weak because of increasing users, and the company's policy to regulate the rate of access, Has become a leader in the content industry due to turnout and viewing.

According to Abdullah, what distinguishes work on YouTube is the ability to innovate and implement the work without the pressure of time, in addition to the lack of the need for a large budget because the content does not require large costs, stressing that the most important thing in this area is to provide content that is well accepted by the public, This works between 6 and 7 hours a day of material preparation, photography, editing and uploading on the Internet.