In the Egyptian province of Al-Minja, south of Cairo, strangers bombarded a bus carrying Coptic pilgrims, killing several people. The police officially spoke on Friday about seven dead and seven injured. A spokesman for the Coptic church stated that the number of injured was 19 with pilgrims, five of whom had suffered serious injuries.

The terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS) claimed the deed for itself. The attackers are supporters of the IS, reported their mouthpiece "Amak".

The Interior Ministry in Cairo said that a group of terrorists stopped the bus on its way to the monastery of St. Samuel in Al-Minja and opened fire on the pilgrims. The province of Al-Minja is located about 250 kilometers south of the capital Cairo on the Nile. Videos from the news channel Al-Arabiya showed the shot-dead windows of the minibus and several alleged victims still in their seats.

One and a half years ago, assassins in the same area had attacked a bus carrying Coptic pilgrims. At that time 29 people died, 22 were injured. The IS also complained about the crime in May 2017. The Egyptian military then attacked targets in Libya.

Security situation fragile

The attack occurred one day before the opening of an international youth forum on the Sinai Peninsula in northern Egypt. Egypt's President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi condemned the act and announced the further fight against terrorism in the North African country.

A spokeswoman for EU foreign policy commissioner Federica Mogherini expressed her dismay at the recent incident. The attack was a strong reminder of the security challenges in Egypt.

Since the fall of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, the security situation in Egypt has been fragile. Again and again there are attacks. Often security forces or Copts are the target. According to estimates, about ten percent of the approximately 100 million Egyptians are Christians.

For more information about the nine councils: Move the mouse pointer over the boxes in the graph.

Leadership Council:

The panel makes all important decisions in the "Islamic State". All resolutions of the leadership council must be approved by IS leader Baghdadi. At least theoretically, the members of the leadership council can sell the "caliph".

Shura Council:

Consists of nine men who are proficient in Islamic law. They advise the leadership council on all important military and religious issues.

Secret diene Trat:

Collects information about internal and external opponents of the IS.

Financial Advice:

Is the Ministry of Finance of the IS and has hundreds of millions of dollars. The Council coordinates the sale of petroleum and imports weapons.


Is something like the Ministry of Defense of the "Islamic State". The Council coordinates the military advance and securing of the conquered territory.

Auxiliary Council for Fighters:

Organizes the smuggling of foreign fighters into the "Islamic State". The council supports the foreign jihadists, helping them, among other things, to find accommodation.

legal advice:

Regulates family disputes and violations of Islamic law. The panel also decides on the killing of hostages.

Media Council:

Issues the official communications of the IS. Coordinates the propaganda campaigns in the social networks.


Coordinate control over the conquered territories, decide on the establishment of checkpoints. Members of the council are also involved in the killing of hostages.