Mohamed Seif El Din - Cairo

The Egyptian Independence Party has launched a campaign on social networking sites to demand the release of Majdi Hussein, the party's leader and editor-in-chief of the independent newspaper Al-Sha'ab, who was arrested five years ago.

The call by the Egyptian Independence Party coincides with World Press Freedom Day, which falls on May 3 each year.

The party called on media activists and journalists to Twitter on the so-called "freedom for Magdi Hussein, the sheikh of journalists", for three days.

And the interaction of a large number of symbols of political and media action with the campaign, but the Journalists Syndicate - concerned with the profession - did not comment on the violations against Hussein - a former member of the Council of the union - or declare solidarity with him.

# Freedom ~ Majdi_ Ahmed_hosen
Journalist and Chairman of Istiqlal Party
Son of the national leader Ahmed Hussein, who carried the movement of July, imprisoned on charges of defect in the royal self and uncle great fighter Adel Hussein God's mercy
Magdy is a prisoner all the time because his heart beats free and he could never fool them or shut up.

- Osama Rushdie (@ OsamaRushdi) April 30, 2019

Professor Magdy Ahmed Hussein, editor of the newspaper El-Shaab, 70 years old, suffers from heart disease, slipped disc and inflammation of the optic nerve, rheumatoid and sugar
Editor-in-chief of the newspaper is entitled to release him health or to expire half-term # Freedom _ Majdi_hsin

- hazem hosny (@ hazemhosny5040) May 1, 2019


Free journalist
Who defended Egypt's freedom
His fate was the belly of her prisons !!

- Dr. طارق الزمر (@drtarekelzomor) May 2, 2019

A codification campaign to release journalist Magdi Hussein began yesterday.
Differ or agree with his views, six years imprisoned in the crime of publishing Kifaya! # Press_mash_crime #free_great_hosen # exer_klabs

- Salma Hussein (@salmaahussein) May 2, 2019

Hussein, who was released in mid-March 2016, was surprised that he was sentenced to eight years in a publishing case, and was later commuted on July 26 of the same year to five years.

Hussein, 70, was arrested in July 2014, two days before demonstrations called for by the National Alliance to Support Legitimacy on the first anniversary of the military isolation of President Mohamed Morsi.

He has been accused of joining a group established contrary to the provisions of the law, whose purpose is to call for disabling the provisions of the Constitution and laws, which he later called the "Legitimacy Support Alliance".

He suffers from heart problems, a cartilage and inflammation of the optic nerve, requiring special health care that is not available inside the prison.

According to article 486 of the Code of Legal Procedure, Hussein has the right to health, as he has a life-threatening illness and requires special care.

In addition to Hussein, some 89 Egyptian journalists are in prison amidst difficult humanitarian and health conditions, as well as restrictions on press work in the country, according to human rights reports.