Barack Obama opened his tour in support of the Democratic Party in the midterm elections with a speech at the University of Illinois. At the very beginning of his speech, he fell sharply against the incumbent President Donald Trump, accusing him of pressure on the US Justice Ministry and the fact that the economic boom that Trump is so proud of began even under the administration of Obama himself.

The ex-president told the supporters that they were living in "dangerous times," and urged them to participate in the November vote to restore the "honesty, decency and legitimacy" of American statehood.

"Look at the headlines, and you will understand that the current situation is fundamentally different from what was before. The stakes are now really high. You can not sit out on the bench, because the consequences will be hard, "the ABC television channel quotes Obama as saying.

The former US president also spoke about the publication of the material in The New York Times, allegedly written by an out-of-the-way Trump administration official. Obama said that such a confrontation harms the very institution of democracy.

"To say that everything will be formed, because there are people in the White House who do not follow the president's instructions secretly, is abnormal. I'm saying this absolutely seriously. So our democracy should not work. Nobody chose these people, and the responsibility does not lie with them, "the 44th US president said.

The economic growth

Separately, Barack Obama walked on the theme of economic growth, which Donald Trump points out as one of his most important achievements as the owner of the White House. According to the ex-president, economic growth in the US began even under his administration, and Trump simply appropriates his services.

"When you are told how good things are in the economy, just remember when this economic growth began," Obama said.

At the end of Obama's second presidential term, GDP growth was only 1.8%, while at Trampe it reached 4.2%. In general, for the entire period of Obama's stay in power, GDP growth has never exceeded 3%. In addition, the unemployment rate in the US at the moment is at a minimum mark for 50 years, and the stock market grew by 27%, according to a special report by CNBC.

With skepticism, Obama's statements about the contribution to the recovery of the economy after the 2008 crisis were met in the camp of the Republican Party.

"In 2016, voters rejected President Obama's political course and his disparaging attitude toward half the country's population. In 2018, a double rate on such a strategy, too, will not work, "said the official representative of the Republican National Committee Michael Arens.

One of the reasons for the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 elections was precisely the inaction of the Obama administration on many important issues, especially economic ones, RT political scientist Vladimir Bruther reminded in an interview with RT. Given the achievements of both presidents, it is rather strange to hear such words about Trump from Barack Obama, the expert believes.

"Trump, who abolished the NAFTA, threatens to withdraw from the WTO, ultimately requires 2% of GDP for defense from the NATO allies, tries to come to terms with North Korea, to blame for having crushed it is simply absurd. He has many defects and shortcomings, but he is not a small figure. He changes the world. Obama, who has not done anything for eight years, seems ridiculous to me comparing himself with Trump. Trump came to power largely because the Americans were upset by the inaction of Obama's neoliberal policy, "Vladimir Bruther explained.

"This is not his merit"

Donald Trump himself, who is also on tour in support of his party in the midterm elections, speaking in front of supporters in the city of Fargo, said that Barack Obama's speech helped him fall asleep.

"Sorry, I started to look, but then fell asleep. In general, I think that his performances are very good for sleep, "Trump said under the cheers of the audience.

He noted that Obama "tried to take credit for all the wonderful things that are happening now with our country."

  • Donald Trump, speaking in front of the supporters, said that Obama's speech helped him fall asleep. He recalled that economic growth under the 44th president was the weakest since the Great Depression
  • © Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

"I must say to President Obama - it's not his credit. If the Democrats with their plan went to Congress in November almost two years ago, instead of an increase of 4.2%, there would be a 4.2% decline. We were on the decline, and all these figures could be observed in the last two years of his term. This was the weakest recovery of the economy since the Great Depression, and this recovery could be called with a big stretch. And now we have a real takeoff, like on a rocket, "Trump said.

Speaking about the pace of economic recovery, Obama manipulates figures, said in an interview with RT political analyst American Dmytro Drobnitsky.

"With him, no growth began. They, of course, can argue about some numbers and commas, that, maybe, he laid the foundation for economic growth. Nevertheless, it is clear to every reasonable person that this was caused not so much even by the tax cut by Trump as by the reduction of administrative barriers to business. Trump removed a huge number of unpopular regulatory measures, which allowed the economy to start growth before taking measures to reduce taxes, "- said Drobnitsky.

According to the expert, the main merit of Trump is not the growth of GDP per se, but the return to America of jobs, especially in those "disputed states" where votes for Trump in 2016 decided the outcome of the presidential election.

"The percent of GDP is a soulless enough thing that would not bring people any joy, if it were not reflected in their lives. Trump's main achievement is the creation of more than four million jobs, of which half a million - in production. This is the highest figure for the last 70 years, "said Drobnitsky.

Will Obama's intervention in the pre-election race give additional votes to the democrats, it is impossible to predict now, the expert believes. In his view, the figure of the 44th US President is irritating among supporters of the growing left wing of the American Democratic Party.

"For the democratic electoral base, its arguments are quite acceptable, voters expected it from their leader, and Illinois is his political homeland, from there he was elected to the Senate. It is clear that there his statements were received with a bang. It is quite another matter that Barack Obama put into operation the establishment of the Democratic Party, which is experiencing serious pressure on the primaries from the ultra-left wing, the so-called democratic socialists, "the expert explained.