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Emmanuel Macron is expected Tuesday to turn on the issues of energy transition, against a backdrop against fuel taxation in France and a few days of the COP 24 in Poland. MARIN / AFP ludovic

Emmanuel Macron presents this Tuesday morning at the Elysee the future Multiannual Energy Program (EPP). Clearly, his choices concerning the country's energy policy on nuclear power, the improvement of buildings, but also the means to encourage less polluting transport. The head of state will also make gestures to try to calm the anger of the "yellow vests" opposed in particular to the increase of the tax on fuels.

It is a "Grenelle of the environment", new version that Emmanuel Macron will announce this Tuesday.

Ten days after the first blocking of the " yellow vests ", the president is obliged to leave a space of discussion, a lock of decompression, whereas from the beginning his Prime Minister Edouard Philippe had discarded this option.

Associations, unions, companies, NGOs, intermediary bodies will be mobilized at the local level. It remains unclear whether representatives of "yellow vests" will have a place. On Monday, the government spokesman did not close the door completely.

A High Council on Climate will be launched. Thirteen economists and scientists will have a say in the government's environmental policy and its impact on the French portfolio.

Discuss yes, but not to change course. This Tuesday morning, Emmanuel Macron will make the speech of the method, rather than concrete announcements, hard and fast.

The president first tries to procrastinate, to show that he hears the " yellow vests ", but that he will not back down on his program. The fuel tax will increase well on January 1st.

What is the energy mix in France?

Oil, gas and coal still accounted for 47% of the French mix or energy mix in 2015. Behind this expression, it is energy to produce electricity, but also fuels for transport, heating residents or industries.

Just behind these fossil fuels , the nuclear. It is still more than 42% of the energy mix. But the share of the atom climbs to over 70% when we talk about the only electricity production. The trend has been slightly down in recent years, but French power plants have been a national issue at the heart of French energy policy for decades.

Faced with the domination of fossils and the atom to a little over 90% renewable energy up despite their small share in the energy mix. A little less than 10%.

And that's the challenge of the energy transition. Because the goal is to fight against global warming. And for the moment, France can do better. The true carbon footprint for every Frenchman was more than 10 tons per year. A level equal to that of 1995.