The police in the Netherlands are investigating an alleged attempt on the right-wing populist Geert Wilders. A 26-year-old man who had been arrested at the Central Station of The Hague should be presented to a magistrate, according to the Interior Ministry.

The man had stated on Facebook in a video that he had come to the Netherlands to make an attack on Wilders. Reason for this is a planned for the fall of Wilders competition for caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

About the identity of the detainee, there were initially no details. In the video he spoke Urdu, the national language of Pakistan. Especially in Pakistan, there have been protests in recent days against the plan of a competition of Muhammad cartoons.

RAHAT DAR / EPA-EFE / REX / Shutterstock

Khadim Rizvi

There, Islamists want to force a protest march on the capital Islamabad the government to break off relations with the Netherlands. The protesters set off for their march in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore. We will only accept the expulsion of the Dutch ambassador, "said cleric Khadim Rizvi to his supporters.

Dutch Justice and Security Minister Ferd Grapperhaus described the video as "disgusting". He did not want to comment on how acute the danger was for Wilders. He takes the incident but seriously.