By RFIPalled on 04-28-2019 Modified the 28-04-2019 at 23:30

Martin Fayulu returned to Kinshasa this Sunday, April 28 after his Euro-American tour. The candidate of the Lamuka coalition, who still claims victory in the presidential election, was greeted at Ndjili airport by thousands of people. He then held a rally in a popular district in the east of the capital.

In front of the activists, Martin Fayulu first explained the content of the convention that binds the six leaders of the Lamuka platform . He proclaimed their determination to do, he said, " triumph the will of the people ".

He also criticized the fact that Felix Tshisekedi agreed to form an alliance with former President Joseph Kabila.

" Felix has done our shame, " he said. Felix sold the country to Kabila. Kabila came here to destabilize the country. "

For him, this alliance is not beneficial for the country. " Let them tear up this agreement signed with Felix! If not, they will see what they see, "he warned.

A little further in his speech, he asked the new president to leave power. " We agree to tell our brother Felix to resign. Let him go, stop with the nonsense .

Martin Fayulu told Lamuka's activists to draw inspiration from the Sudanese and Algerian peoples who did not, he said, need weapons to end dictatorships.


🇨🇩💥 Still in the direction of Sainte Thérèse, An extraordinary human tide

Lamuka International (Official) (@_Lamuka) April 28, 2019

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