Dozens of victims were killed and wounded in the bombing of the International Alliance on the countryside of Deir Ezzor, which is governed by the Islamic state in eastern Syria, where fighting between the organization and the protection units of the Kurdish people there, and the regime forces bombed the areas of the villages of Hama and Idlib.

Local sources told Anatolia that heavy bombardment of coalition forces, led by the US and French, targeted the neighborhoods of the hybrid town, which displaced most of its population, killing at least 25 civilians and wounding dozens.

Masar reported that seven women and children were killed in a coalition bombing on the town of Bubdran, east of Deir al-Zour.

In the region there are battles between the state organization and the "Syrian Democratic Forces" - the backbone of the coalition-backed Kurdish units, where the latter failed to advance despite the bombing. A leader of the state organization, Abu Islam of Belgium, East of the Euphrates ".

The "Syrian Democratic Forces" arrested dozens of fugitives from the bombing and took them to schools in the city of Basra, according to local sources. The state organization also arrested a number of residents of the town of Al-Shifa on charges of smuggling civilians out of his control areas.

Activists said that an explosion occurred near the bridge of the city of Basra, causing civilian casualties, and fleeing refugees from the cold and hungry, where a baby died of flu in the camp Alhus east of the city.

The Kurdish units are fighting with the Free Army in the countryside of Afrin north of Aleppo, where a member of the Free Army was killed by a bomb explosion in his car there, and a car bomb exploded in the village of Miznaz in Aleppo without injury.

In the villages of Hama, the regime forces shelled the town of Morak and the town of Al-Latamneh. They also shelled the towns of Khan Sheikhan, Talmata, Umm Jalal and al-Farjah in the countryside of Idlib.

Activists stressed that the regime sent reinforcements to the north of Hama and southern Idlib, and considered this an indication of his unwillingness to abide by the Russian-Turkish agreement to reduce the escalation.