The behavior of bullying in schools has become the most prominent negative behaviors prevalent among students of different ages and levels of schooling, pointing out that the problem of bullying is the most present in schools, and is no longer confined to secondary schools as it was before, But has reached the ranks of the first and second seminars, as the victims of bullying are not only students, but extended to undermine the status of the teacher, which threatens the educational environment.

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department pointed out that the total number of juvenile cases in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for 2016 and 2017 reached 2453 cases. Including 286 cases of assault on body safety.

Students in public and private schools in Abu Dhabi reported that their parents were exposed to physical and verbal violence inside school walls from their colleagues or older students, making them anxious to ask their parents on a daily basis about the treatment of teachers and students, and whether they were subjected to any kind of harassment or reprimand. Or cynicism, pointing out that verbal violence is considered the worst type of school violence, because of the difficulty of proving it, since its impact is psychological, not physical.

The students' children, Hala Abdulla, Manal Hamed, Diaa Mohammed, Mohammed Hussein, Nada Shukri and Hana Ahmed pointed out that the school procedures can not prevent the recurrence of this violence, and this is always due to daily quarrels among the students. Clear and effective plans for student behavior management, for developing positive characteristics and addressing negative characteristics.

The increase in bullying in schools is due to changes in society due to the influence of the media, especially the media on children and adolescents, especially in the second and third cycles, and the imbalance of social relations in many families, in addition to diversity The diversity of cultures and social customs among students.

The bullying among students takes many forms and is not limited to physical violence through beatings and physical abuse. Bullying students spread rumors about a particular student, or exclude him from student dialogues and friendships. Bullying may be verbal, threatening, ridiculing, humiliating, or physically By friction and beating.

They explained that the most cases of bullying they have treated showed that the student who practiced bullying was previously subjected to violence and bullying of others, or being subjected to violence at home by a member of his family, which reflects on his behavior within the school and practice violence and bullying on the youngest and weaker students in school, In addition to family disintegration or his sense of academic weakness compared to his colleagues in the classroom, which translates this feeling to violence and bullying, especially for students who are peaceful and outstanding in the study.

The teachers, Ayman Gad, Latifi Al-Aliani, Azza Khater, Dina Issa and Rajia Suleiman, called for the need to intensify awareness programs on the problem of bullying behavior among students and adolescents and to conduct an integrated training program for students to introduce them to the causes of bullying behavior. And treatment, especially since the house plays a large role in this phenomenon, so the treatment of bullying starts at home and not the school, pointing out that bullying is no longer only affects students and has reduced the status of the teacher, where some students ridicule their teachers and stick some of their qualities and names With a view to achieving Of them.

They pointed out that the child's exposure to abuse, neglect and lack of tenderness in the home fosters aggression and violence in him, and urges him to empty it to the other students in the school, stressing that the house should be a partner to the school in raising the children and educating them about the dangers of violence and bullying. Protect themselves from falling prey to bullying.

The survey showed that 32.5% of public school students and 32.9% of private school students indicated that they had been physically injured once or more at school, 39.1% of public school students and 38% of private school students reported that they had been subjected to harassment, ridicule and insult at school once or more. 45.8% of public school students and 41.4% of private school students said they did not feel physically safe All school building.

20.9% of students in public schools and 20.6% of students in private schools indicated that their children were physically abused during the school year. 4.7% of students in public schools and 5.2% of students in private schools That their children were subjected to electronic abuse.

For his part, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education, Marwan Al-Sawalha, said that the ministry has been working with the Family Development Foundation for more than a year to combat bullying and prevention in state schools and an integrated plan to tackle bullying in all its forms has been put in place. 22 weeks of Al-Tanmer and Awareness, which included workshops, workshops, media awareness, meetings with students, students, teachers, school meetings and community participation to make the campaign a success.

"The campaign will not stop in schools and the educational field," he said, referring to the initiative of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, to include ethical education in the curriculum, In developing plans that are positively reflected on students.

Al-Sawalha pointed to the different forms of bullying in schools as a result of the specificity of each region. Therefore, the Ministry of Education campaign is aware of all forms of bullying and its image, and the specialists in the schools deal with all the pictures and cases of bullying that are monitored. As a whole in multiple ways to ensure the safety of students.

Child psychiatrists, family medicine and psychiatry explained that bullying is a behavior that the child acquires from his immediate environment. It is considered a psychological and social phenomenon. Its causes often start from the family, which is considered the first environment affecting the child's behavior, pointing out that the nervousness of the father or mother inside the house Home, family relations, and how to deal with relatives and neighbors, is what establishes the child's way of dealing with others because the child imitates the nearest people (mother, father).

The family doctor, Maha Rami, confirmed that the child, who is exposed to bullying from other children, in school and can not defend himself, generates within him the lack of confidence in himself and his personal abilities, and gradually turns into an introverted person. In addition, It is hated to go to it and begins to make excuses for absence, and the level of school is strongly affected.

Psychiatrist Ahmad Mohammed Al-Sayed said that children suffering from bullying and harassment of their colleagues are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. Bullying contributes to low educational outcomes and leads to higher rates of absence and dropout. The main reasons for the spread of bullying in schools.

The child specialist, Bassem Mohammed, pointed out that many children feel pain in the abdomen or stomach, and after detection and diagnosis is discovered that the psychological pain felt by the child as a result of his desire not to go to school because of the bullying of colleagues, Friends of their children at school, and try to find out their behavior among themselves.

For its part, the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) recommended that the Department of Education and Knowledge cooperate with the judiciary, the prosecution and the police in establishing a mechanism to monitor and report on cases of quarrels to assist the student and uncover the causes, perpetrators and instigators of the attack. Setting up a traffic patrol at schools where there are widespread problems, and strengthening the rule of law with strict and deterrent penalties.

In its recommendation, the department called for the imposition of severe penalties by school administrations, whether through separation or behavior, and they are not allowed to return unless they meet with the guardian and reach a solution.

Hot line

The Ministry of the Interior, represented by the Child Protection Center, identified three main causes of bullying, including neglect, family disintegration, lack of proper socialization, and the use of violence by parents against their children, which may lead to violence against their peers and the child's desire to be strong and dominant To the individuals surrounding it. The ministry has developed a hotline to receive bullying reports in the state schools through the number 116111. Besides its intelligent application, "Hamati", she pointed out that during the past years she dealt with cases of bullying among school students and took prompt remedial and preventive measures through awareness and education And communication with parents, which prevented their recurrence.

The Ministry warned that there were two types of bullying, the first occurring in the real world, when a student assaulted his or her colleagues in or around the school. The second is electronic bullying, when a threat or attack is on the child through the Internet, pointing out that «bullying is a global problem».

Reduction of assault crime

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department stated that when juveniles commit the crime of mass assault in a public place such as schools, parks, and public streets, they commit an offense related to the attack, endangering the safety and lives of people passing by and visiting public places during the quarrel. To charge a life-threatening life.

The Department pointed out that it is exerting many efforts to reduce the crime of assaulting juveniles, including awareness campaigns in schools for boys and girls (the most common negative phenomena among school students), and issuing awareness videos such as videos on local channels, To educate the generation and the family about the negative phenomena common among school and adolescent students, and to issue the means of identification and booklets on events, their issues and ways of preventing them, in addition to receiving students in the Smart Hall of the Judiciary Department T legal awareness.


Of school students

Abu Dhabi hurt

My body is in school.


Of students in schools

Abu Dhabi were ridiculed

And saturday at school.


Case events in two years

Including 286 cases of assault

On the body.


«Bullying behavior acquires

The child from his surroundings

Its causes often begin

Of the family ».


«Bullying among students

Different forms of them

Verbal through

Mockery or contempt. "


"Schools are missing

To clear plans

And effective management

Behavior of students ».

- Teachers call for intensified awareness programs on the problem of bullying behavior among students and adolescents.